1. Download epsoneplijs-0.4.1.tgz -file from address
2. tar zxvf epsoneplijs-0.4.1.tgz
(按右鍵 壓縮檔案管理員 ==>開啟)
3. cd epsoneplijs-0.4.1
4. Type command: ./configure --prefix=/usr
5. Type command: sudo make install
6. Download file:
(我是把EPL-6200L-Hardy.ppd 放在同一資料夾)
7. Go to System Settings → Printing → click “Add” and choose from the list Epson AL-M1200.
即按右上角的輪子圖形 ==> 系統設定值 ==> 硬體的印表機 ==> 按加入 ... (<==第七點和第八點)
8. Click "Forward". Ubuntu searches for drivers for some time and
then gives “New printer”-window with the title “Choose driver”.
9. Tick the box "Provide PPD file” and
navigate to the directory where you downloaded it and choose it.
10. Click "Open" and "Forward". Ubuntu asks if you want a test page.